A veteran leader in the environmental movement, Carl Pope is the former executive director and chairman of the Sierra Club. He’s now the Vice-chairman of America’s Pledge, and principal advisor at Inside Straight Strategies, looking for the underlying economics that link sustainability and economic development and serves as a Senior Climate Advisor to former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He and Mayor Bloomberg co-authored the New York Times best-selling book, Climate of Hope. In addition to 40 years with the Sierra Club, 18 as CEO or Chairman, he has served on the Boards of the America’s Voice, California League of Conservation Voters, National Clean Air Coalition, California Common Cause, Public Interest Economics Inc, and Zero Population Growth. Mr. Pope is also the author of earlier three books: Sahib, An American Misadventure in India; Hazardous Waste In America, and co-author along with Paul Rauber Strategic Ignorance: Why the Bush Administration Is Recklessly Destroying a Century of Environmental Progress, which the New York Review of Books called “a splendidly fierce book.”